Karli from Little Fern Apparel Story
I had the amazing opportunity to meet with Karli, founder and designer of Little Fern Apparel.
Little Fern Apparel is a heartfelt children’s clothing brand inspired by versatility & sustainability.
Karli’s journey with Little Fern Apparel started during her maternity leave with her first-born son, when she realized that a lot of children’s clothing aren’t sustainable or environmentally friendly and tend to miss key features that make the product more convenient. Thanks to her grandfather who taught her how to sew, Karli had the option to explore different ways to create clothing that fit all of her expectations.
It took her about a year to establish the pattern, but she soon started to work with pattern makers and manufacturers here in Canada to help her achieve her goal to create clothing for little ones that are functional, versatile and made from high-quality material.
“Something that is very important to me is quality and ensuring that you are getting a quality garment. Especially when you are spending the kind of money you are spending, you want to know that its going to last. I was getting really tired of buying clothes that only get a few wears and then they don’t look the same.”
Knowing that it is very important for many parents to buy quality clothes for their children, I think it is also very important to talk about the chemicals big companies often use. Karli told me that “We use chemicals for so many things. It’s really scary how institutions will spray these clothe and you don’t even know what’s in that chemical. There are so many ways that they can hide chemicals by simply putting it under the category “fragrance”. I really wanted to step away from that and wanted to create something that is clean and that I would want to put on my baby. “
That is why Little Fern Apparel uses organic materials and keeps production within Canada where Karli can see how every piece of clothing is made from start to finish.
Their Sleepers are made from 95% cotton and 5% spandex (The spandex gives more longevity to the sleepers.)
The swaddles are 100% organic cotton and the Baby gowns are a bamboo cotton mix. Which make them super soft, breathable and hypoallergenic.
Another thing that was very important to Karli was to create clothing that was gender neutral. She wanted to make something that her customers could buy for their first child and use it again if they had more children regardless of their gender. She said” I’m a big fan of having a couple of staple pieces which you can use interchangeably. I have a two and a half year old that goes through a lot of clothes. He is either muddy or soaking wet or has stuff on him that I don’t even know what it is. Being able to switch out either the shirt or the pants without him looking like he dressed himself is key.” Talking about changing clothes… I can only imagine how many pieces of clothing parents have to bring when they go camping with their kids. Karli and her family love camping, and she told me that their sleeper/romper is absolutely perfect for it. Being able to flip the handcuffs over your little one’s hands and feet, provides and extra layer of warmth during a walk and sleeping in a tent. So, if you are an avid camper, make sure to order one from her website before your next camping trip.
Taking a step back from the apparel for a second, I’d love to mention another thing that is incredibly important to Karli, her community. During our interview Karli told me that there are a lot of unsung heroes in her journey of Little Fern. She said” It gives me shivers just thinking about everyone who has contributed one way or another. “
Apart from her family supporting her through this journey, there has been an amazing network of other small shops, which took a chance on a new small business and other mompreneurs who have been collaborating and helping each other along the way. Karli said that there is a lot of blood, sweat and tears that go into these businesses and you can really see it in the quality of work and the pride that individuals take, that you don’t see with the big box stores.
I think we can all agree that supporting these small businesses will not only help make them successful but will also bring the support they need to continue to create these incredible products. Living on this Island surrounded by so many amazing entrepreneurs who help each other out and lift each other up is incredible to witness. Shopping local is so important, because it continues to build and strengthen our community and I can honestly say that I am so grateful to be able to meet so many amazing entrepreneurs through our Share My Story initiative.
But let me get back to Karli’s incredible line of children’s clothing. If you are looking to get your hands on one or all of Little Fern’s clothing, you can find them in Momease baby boutique, Thistle and Wren and Emmis treasures on salt spring Island. And on her website of course.